Have a say on centre’s name

Picture: on file

Voting has opened for the official name of Thewlis Child and Family Centre (interim name), currently under construction in Pakenham.

Pakenham’s newest Child and Family Centre is due to open its doors to the community in early-2025, and will provide kindergarten, maternal and child health, as well as hireable spaces for other early years programs like playgroup and parenting programs, and for allied health specialists.

Council is asking community members to vote on their preferred name from a shortlist of three indigenous name options:

Benup (White Gum): Benup (Ben–Oop) talks to our connection to Country and Culture.

Boollam Boollam (Butterfly): Boollam Boollam (Bullam Bullam) to Bunurong people this symbolises growth, development, and change.

Nearkey Biik (Take care of Country): Nearkey Biik (Near–Key Bik) speaks to caring for Country, Water and our people.

This shortlist of names has been selected by the Cardinia Shire Place Names Advisory Committee, in consultation with the Bunurong Land Council Aboriginal Corporation.

The facility’s official name will be determined by Council resolution at an ordinary Council meeting in the months following the community consultation.

Community members can cast their votes using the online poll at www.cardinia.vic.gov.au/haveyoursay from Monday 3 June to Sunday 30 June 2024.

Cardinia Shire Mayor Councillor Jack Kowarzik emphasised the importance of recognising and celebrating the traditional lands and languages within Cardinia Shire through place naming.

To stay up-to-date on the construction of this facility, visit www.cardinia.vic.gov.au/majorprojects

For more information or enquiries about the community consultation for the official naming of the facility, visit www.cardinia.vic.gov.au/haveyoursay or call Council’s Customer Support team on 1300 787 624.