More than 32,000 mixed daffodil bulbs have been delivered to local businesses across West Gippsland thanks to the Blyth Bros Farm for West Gippsland Healthcare Group’s annual fundraiser.
This year marks the 29th year Blyth Bros Farm has been donating bulbs to the hospital.
The popular fundraiser raises money to purchase much-needed Allied and Community Health equipment and social welfare resources.
The Blyth family are Australia’s largest daffodil producers, growing over 100 different varieties of daffodils on 350 hectares in Ellinbank.
Blyth Bros Daffodil Farm harvest and process over 500 tonnes of premium quality bulbs each year.
Bags of 40 bulbs are available for $25 at Baw Baw Food Hub Warragul, Baw Baw Garden Supplies, Bunyip IGA Supermarket, Down To Earth Garden Centre Drouin, Drouin Auxiliary Opp Shop, Drouin Mitre 10, Soul Sisters Cafe Longwarry, That Yellow Door Cafe Warragul, Town & Country Gallery Yarragon and Trafalgar Opp Shop.
Bulbs are also available for purchase at West Gippsland Hospital main reception, Community Rehab Service reception at West Gippsland Hospital, Gladstone Street Community Health and Rawson Community Health.
West Gippsland Healthcare Group’s Director Allied and Community Health Audra Fenton said last year’s fundraiser sold out in record time and raised $25,160.
“This year we have some new businesses who jumped on board to help us sell the popular Daffodil bulbs for our fundraiser,” she said.
“Our community love the bulbs and the fact all of the money goes to help local people.
“And a big thank you to the Blyth family for their continued support of our organisation.”
Board Chair Jo-Anne Moorfoot said over the years money from the fundraiser had gone towards purchasing mobility devices, exercise equipment and resources to support children with disabilities.
“Last year, our teams used the money to purchase things like a hearing amplifier for our Cognitive Dementia Clinic, refurbish the counselling rooms for our child and adolescent counselling, a Pulse oximeter for Physiotherapy, shower stools, and jar openers and build up utensils for our Occupational Therapy patients.
“Our patients using West Gippsland Healthcare Group’s physiotherapy, occupational therapy, community rehabilitation, community health service, podiatry, dietetics, speech pathology, diabetes education, social work, and counselling, programs all benefit from this annual fundraiser.
“We encourage the local community to once again support this fundraiser, our hospital and its services by purchasing a bag of Daffodil bulbs.”