By David Nagel
It was a special day at Kooweerup Cricket Club on Saturday with six premiership reunions reviving many memories of great days gone by.
Current-day Demons’ skipper Luke McMaster put on a show for the premiership heroes in attendance, blasting a magnificent 190 not out in the First-XI victory over Merinda Park.
But it was off-field where the main attraction took place, with Ron Ingram’s Invincibles celebrating their 50-year three-peat reunion.
Ingram and former president Dave Brisset gave glowing tributes of the club’s history, and explained how only 17 players were used to win those three premierships in succession.
The under 13 and 15 premiership teams from 2013/14 were then handed certificates, before 10-year celebrations of the Premier Division and C Grade flags took place.
Then coach Michael Giles spoke about the bond and the love players had for each other, and still do to this day.
Dan Crowley, captain of the 2003/04 D Grade premiership, then regaled the crowd with his experience of leading a team with so many different characters to premiership success almost 20 years ago to the day.
Kooweerup is a club built on success; this year searching for its ninth Premier Division flag in 15 years.