Tanks-a-lot for saving water

Tanks-a-lot! Cranbourne MP Jude Perera and his grand daughter Jasmine were overjoyed with figures released this week that showed Cranbourne households had cut their water usage by an average of 13 per cent in the past year. Mr Perera’s backyard tank ensures his garden and grass are kept green all year round.Tanks-a-lot! Cranbourne MP Jude Perera and his grand daughter Jasmine were overjoyed with figures released this week that showed Cranbourne households had cut their water usage by an average of 13 per cent in the past year. Mr Perera’s backyard tank ensures his garden and grass are kept green all year round.

By Kelly Yates
NEW figures released last week show residents are doing their bit to help save Victoria’s water.
The figures show that households, who use about 60 per cent of Melbourne’s water, have cut their water usage by an average of 13.13 per cent in the past year.
The government is investing $4.9 billion in major water infrastructure projects including a desalination plant and increased water recycling to help ease the water challenges.
Local households are encouraged to sign up for water saving rebates under the State Government’s Water Smart Gardens and Homes rebate scheme.
They can receive rebates for water saving devices such as $1000 for installing a large rainwater tank or a free water efficient showerhead from their local water authority.
Stage 3a water restrictions will remain in place in Melbourne until at least 30 June 2008.
South East Water acting chief executive officer Kate Vinot said the local comm-unity had made a fantastic effort to use less water during the past 18 months of water restrictions.
She said the use of alternative water sources such as rainwater and grey water has been wide spread.
These water sources are not subject to water restrictions and are a great way to keep gardens alive and cars clean.