Lenders and Prins become Garfield’s premier pair

Joe Lenders and Frank Prins (right) were victorious in Garfield's Men's Pairs Championship over Tom Clearly and Stephen Whyte. Picture: SUPPLIED

Late December saw the final of the club’s Men’s Pairs Championship.

The match was a ‘David and Goliath’ affair between Joe Lenders and Frank Prins on one side, and two of the club’s senior side’s skippers, Tom Cleary and Stephen Whyte, on the other.

The game began with three shots for the underdogs, Lenders and Prins, and the crowd murmured with the possibility of an upset; but Cleary and Whyte scored on the next end, and the game was on.

Another three-shot end for Lenders and Prins kept the excitement up, but not to be denied, Cleary and Whyte pegged their way back to a scoreline of six to seven.

Then they exploded with a six-shot end and it looked like Goliath was indeed going to take the day as the score soared to 12-7.

However, that was their last hurrah, as they only scored two single-shot ends after that.

Lenders and Prins won the rest of the 18 ends to complete the runaway upset that had been foreshadowed early in the game, winning the championship by 27 shots to 14.

Congratulations to Joe and Frank, and good luck in the Champion-of-Champion series.

– Damian Brick