Rotary Primary School Public Speaking Competition 2023

Areng Deng, Rotary President Ian Wake, Rehaab Afzal, Amelia Alderton, Ayla Hill, Rotary Vocational Youth Director Anne Taylor, Mila Palmer.

Public speaking puts fear into many people, but the Rotary Club of Pakenham has a project enabling Grade 5 and Grade 6 students the opportunity to conquer that fear at an early age.

The Club’s 24 th Primary School Public Speaking Competition was on Tuesday 31 st October.

15 students from 8 Primary Schools in Nar Nar Goon, Officer and Pakenham, spoke in front of a large audience. The students chose their own topics and did their own research and preparation.

Rotarian Ken Rook said, “Each year we continue to be amazed at range of topics, the obvious amount of research and the outstanding quality of the presentations, this year was again no exception”.

All participants receive a certificate with award winners receiving a plaque; all students receive a prize to assist them with their transition to Secondary School. The schools of the top three place getters also receive a cheque to assist them with their school programs.

Champion Speaker was Areng Deng from St. Patrick’s Catholic Primary School, who spoke on “Resilience”.

2 nd Place: Rihaab Afzal, Minaret College, “Sun Colours”.

3 rd Place: Amelia Alderton, Bridgewood Primary, “Deforestation”.

President’s Award: Ayla Hill, Nar Nar Goon Primary, “Bullying Effects on Mental Health”.

Encouragement Award: Mila Palmer, Nar Nar Goon Primary, “Taking Action Against Technology and the Effect it has on our Bodies”.

All finalists were excellent and once again their choice of topics was amazing.

Other topics included, ”Scouts”, “Why Women’s Sport needs more Equality”, “Scars” and “Aerobics, Asthma and Ambition”.

Mr. Rook said, “This event is a highlight of the Rotary year, and we congratulate all participants on the excellence of their presentations”.

Areng Deng, Rotary President Ian Wake, Rehaab Afzal, Amelia Alderton, Ayla Hill, Rotary Vocational Youth Director Anne Taylor, Mila Palmer.