All fun and games in Casey

Maggie with her kids Elizabeth and Victoria from Berwick. Pictures: STEWART CHAMBERS 366917

Casey residents of all ages are encouraged to lace up their runners and stretch out their muscles to take part in Casey Council’s free Spring into Summer physical activity program.

Running until Sunday 17 December, the program includes a range of free activities, such as yoga, pilates, netball, pickleball, basketball, soccer and self-defense classes here are activities hosted by the YMCA, Reclink, Parks Victoria, Risky Kids, Wilson Botanic Park and the Olive Road Sporting Complex.

The activities on offer are chosen from various providers to encourage exercise among those who might not have previously been able to engage in exercise and physical activity often due to financial reasons, lack of opportunity, cultural considerations or lack of self-confidence.

The unstructured activities in the program aim to remove obstacles to physical and mental health development by making it free and welcoming to get out, have fun, and meet new people.

Regular activities include family badminton from 4pm at Casey Stadium each Friday, Outdoor HIIT at Casey ARC Mondays and Thursdays from 9.30am, self-defence classes at the Lynbrook Community Centre on Mondays from 4pm and youth boxing at the Lynbrook Community Centre on Wednesdays from 3.45pm.

For more information, visit