MP calls out lack funding for roads

Roads management funding has gone done by $360m over the last four years. Photo: SUPPLIED

By Corey Everitt

Local politician for the South East has called out the lack of funding for regional roads as the latest State Budget reveals road management spending will almost halve in four years.

Member for Narracan Wayne Farnham believes our local roads will only decay further as funding toward Victoria roads management for the 2023-23 financial year will be more than $360m lower than it was during the 2020-21 financial year.

“The decision today to further slash the regional roads maintenance budget will shock many local communities,“ he said.

“Residents are coming to me daily with reports of potholes damaging vehicles and road surfaces they feel are incredibly dangerous.

“We need more funding into local roads to ensure they are safe and fit for purpose, not less.“

This comes as the resurfacing and rehabilitation for regional roads is expected to be lower during the 2022-23 period than the State Government’s target set last year.

12.1 million square metres of regional roads were set for maintenance by the end of June this year, but the expected amount is now set at 8.5 million.

The document for Service Delivery in the State Budget for 2023-24 says the lower outcome is due to costs and weather conditions.

“The 2022-23 expected outcome is lower than the 2022-23 target due to increased costs arising from market price escalation, and increased pavement repair work to prepare for resealing and resurfacing due to heavy rainfall,“ the document said.

Unlike previous years, the State Government has not set a target yet for maintenance of the regional, nor metropolitan and outer suburban, roads over the 2023-24 financial year.