Cardinia Shire Council is calling on skaters, BMX, and scooter riders to provide feedback on the draft concept design for Worrell Reserve skate park and the proposed youth plaza in Emerald.
The Worrell Reserve skate park and proposed youth plaza will provide the community with a family-friendly, multi-use recreation space for skateboarding, BMX, and scooter riding.
The draft concept plan for the skate park includes hips and corners, an enclosed deep bowl, mini ramp and quarter pipe.
Other features in the draft concept plan for the skate park and proposed youth plaza include a MUGA (multi-use games area) and connecting paths to the skate park, Wi-Fi in the shelter located next to the MUGA and skate park, terraced seating, bins and signs, planting and shade trees, shelter and drinking fountain.
Cardinia Shire Mayor Tammy Radford encouraged the community to provide their feedback on the draft concept plan.
“I thank everyone who provided feedback in round one – your feedback has helped council develop the draft concept plan. You can now view the draft concept plan and provide your feedback to help shape final plans for a new skate park and the proposed youth plaza,” she said.
The council adopted a masterplan for Worrell Reserve in June 2020.
“The masterplan outlines plans for the creation of a skate park and youth plaza. Funding for the development of the concept plan for the skate park and youth plaza has been allocated in council’s 2022/23 capital works budget,” Ranges Ward councillor Jeff Springfield said.
“The State Government has provided $1 million towards the construction of the project’s skate park elements. Construction of the youth plaza elements are subject to future funding allocations.
“I’d encourage the local community to check out the draft concept plans and get involved!”
To have your say on this project, visit
An in-person pop-up session where you can view plans, ask questions, and provide your feedback will be held from 3.30pm to 5.30pm Wednesday 23 November at Emerald Hills Hub.
Consultation closes Monday 5 December 2022.