Lifestyle Officer Christmas Market
Gifts, cakes, sausage sizzle, devonshire tea and raffles – all stalls homemade, home-baked and home-grown with a visit from Santa at 11am.
Saturday 26 November at Lifestyle Officer 114 Rix Road, 9am to 1pm.
Hippity Hop Community Market
Funds that are raised on the day will go towards BK 2 Basics, with a $2 sausage sizzle, drinks, facepainting and a raffle.
Saturday 12 November 9.30am to 1pm at 6-12 Bluehills Blvd, Pakenham.
Bridgewood Food Truck and Market Night
The primary school is hosting a food truck and market night featuring twisted potatoes, slushies, raffle, showbags, basketball clinic and icecream.
Friday 18 November 4pm to 8pm at Bridgewood Primary School.
Gembrook Sacred Heart centenary
Free morning tea, jumping castle, entertainment and barbecue lunch to celebrate the 100th anniversary of the Gembrook Sacred Heart Church. Mass at 9am then celebrations 10am to 1pm.
Sunday 13 November, Main Street, Gembrook.
Walk 4 Brain Cancer
Brooklyn Chaffey has organised a walk to aid in the research of brain cancer as well as to pay tribute to those that have lost their battle and those still fighting.
Lakeside Lake, Sunday 27 November at 10am.
Pakenham SES Open Day
Come behind the scenes on our open day. See a road rescue demonstration, learn how to stay safe before, during and after storms, find out what we do and what’s it’s like to be a volunteer, kids can have a photo in a rescue truck, there’s a sausage sizzle and lots more.
Saturday 19 November 11am to 3pm at 780 Princes Highway, Pakenham.
Garage sale trail
Moy-yan Neighbourhood House is hosting a garage sale trail on 20 November. It is $10 per site for stalls for unwanted items, trash and treasure. Contact 0481 895 509 for more information.
20 November from 9am to 2pm at the Garfield Recreation Reserve.