Identifying elder abuse

Jennifer Evans spoke on behalf of Senior Rights Victoria. 285848_01 Photos: SHELBY BROOKS

By Shelby Brooks

Identifying financial and emotional abuse of older people in our community remains vitally important, as Cardinia Shire Council recognised World Elder Abuse Awareness Day on Wednesday 15 June.

At an event held at the Cardinia Cultural Centre in Pakenham, Jennifer Evans from Senior Rights Victoria spoke about protecting your rights, elder abuse, risk, prevention and where to get support and assistance.

“Elder abuse is a direct result of ageism which discriminates, devalues and denies the rights of older people’s safety,” Ms Evans said.

“On that spectrum it’s a form of family violence, targeted at the elderly.”

Ms Evans explained that some victims are reluctant to report incidents because they don’t want to lose the relationship with their abuser, if they are a family member.

“They might think, ‘We don’t want to lose our carer or we don’t want to lose the relationship with our children’,” Ms Evans said.

“Senior Rights Victoria can support you in what you want and how you try to maintain that relationship.

“But if it has gone to the extremes of completely ripping you off, then there would be no real relationship left. But if it’s not so bad and you do want to maintain a relationship and keep the doors open for healing later on, they can support you doing that.”

Ms Evans said the best measures to deal with elder abuse were preventative.

“If we recognise it, if we seek help, work out what we can do to prevent it but the reality is some of us will be abused and you need to do something about it but with support we can rebuild our lives and rebuild our relationships,” she said.

“If it’s extreme and immediate, you should ring triple-zero.”

The United Nations (UN) recognises June 15 as World Elder Abuse Awareness Day (WEAAD) to raise awareness and knowledge of elder abuse and the various ways it can affect the community.

World Elder Abuse Awareness Day brings together senior citizens, caregivers, and local government to combat elder abuse.

Cardinia Shire Council continues its commitment to tackle elder abuse through the Together We Can initiative.

Everyone can help stop, prevent and end family violence in Cardinia Shire by reporting older citizens subjected to violence, coercion or abuse.

Family Violence, including elder abuse, does not discriminate between age, ability, culture or sexual orientation.

As a community, Cardinia Shire residents can help to create a safe community that values equality and respect.

For more information about this event please contact Cardinia Cultural Centre on 1300 887 624 or visit council’s website at or email

Phone 1300 368 821 to reach Senior Rights Victoria for support.