Taking his shot

Justin is excited to be heading to America, with support from his coach Mading. 274131_01 Photos: STEWART CHAMBERS

By Shelby Brooks

An aspiring Pakenham basketballer has been training hard to prepare for a once in a lifetime opportunity at cracking into the American college basketball system.

St Francis Xavier College graduate Justin Ochaya, 18, is heading to America in April as part of the AAU Australia US tour.

The tour allows talented Australian players to play in front of American college scouts and coaches in the hope of being selected for a scholarship.

Justin, who is a LA Lakers fan, has been playing basketball for many years, and represents Pakenham’s Tribes Basketball Club and the Casey Cavaliers Basketball Club as a point guard.

“I was always 50/50 with footy and basketball until about Year 8,” Justin said.

“But then I started taking basketball more seriously. I was always around basketball- all my family, brothers and cousins all like it. I just loved being around that environment.

“I lived close to the stadium so it was easy for me to come here than to a footy field. It’s harder to get a bunch of mates to play footy but basketball you can always play anywhere.

“Since then I fell in love with it.”

Tribes coach Mading Amech said he couldn’t be prouder of Justin.

“I’ve been training Justin for quite some time,” he said.

“I’m so blessed to have met him and coach him and have someone like him on my team, because he’s always been a good role model to young people. He’s always been setting an example by working really hard.

“He’s coachable and I think that’s what I love about him, it’s made me proud today.”

Part of the AAU Australia tour will include watching the Brooklyn Nets in an NBA game and meeting 2014 NBA champion and 2021 Olympic Bronze Medal winner with the Boomers, Patty Mills.

“We’ll get to shake his hand court side, introduce ourselves,” Justin said.

“I’m super excited, I can’t wait.”

Mading has established a GoFundMe to help Justin raise enough money to participate on the month long basketball tour.

It currently has $2600 raised, with a $6500 goal.

Head to gofundme.com/f/help-justin-ochaya-get-on-a-basketball-tour-in-us to donate.