Grants for sheds

LOCAL organisations are being urged to apply for funding to establish men’s sheds which aim to reduce social isolation issues faced by mature-aged men.
Grants of up to $50,000 are available under the State Government’s $2 million Men’s Sheds Program.
Gembrook MP Tammy Lobato said the grants would enable the construction of men’s shed facilities and redevelopment of existing buildings to convert them into men’s sheds.
She said the sheds were especially needed in areas where there may be a high proportion of men who have retired, or are experiencing health difficulties, and are no longer in the workforce.
“Men’s sheds give men from all backgrounds a new focus in life, by providing them with a place to meet, opportunities to engage in activities that interest them and access to information on a range of health and wellbeing related issues. Those involved in men’s sheds also make fantastic contributions to the community,” Ms Lobato said. Applications for men’s shed grants close on 14 December and can be made at www.grants.