By Shelby Brooks
A Pakenham kindergarten teacher has said goodbye to the classroom after 26 years at Andrew’s Community Kindergarten.
Ann Wynne, of Maryknoll, has taught thousands of students over the years so in return for her dedication and passion, she was surprised with an afternoon tea visited by past children, families and staff on Friday 3 December.
“It was an amazing surprise. I wasn’t at all prepared for that, but it was a great day seeing all my old friends, staff and families,“ Ann said.
Ann began with the kindergarten in 1995, after teaching at Lang Lang Preschool and working as a primary school teacher at Catani and Drouin South.
“I always felt early years learning was very important,“ she said.
“I had always taught prep prior to that which is close to early years.“
26 years later, Ann never thought she would stay so long at one centre.
“I’m glad I have though. It seems a long time but it changes every year with all the new families and children,“ Ann said.
“I put my passion into this place, I could see there was a need for consistency.
“And it’s been good because you can see your planning come to fruition.“
Ann said early learning education was all about play.
“Play is the crucial factor,“ she said.
“With open ended play, you can take children, no matter what level of their skills, to their learning potential.
“Indoor play and outdoor play are equally as important in a child’s learning.“
Ann wanted to acknowledge her co-workers and past families from over the years for their help in her teaching journey.
“I had wonderful staff to work with and in the early days we were committee managed and I always had a good relationship with the committee,“ she said.
“I would just like to thank my past families for giving me the privilege of being part of their children’s learning journey,“ she said.
“Leaving your children with someone else is a big step in a family’s life, especially for parents of children with special needs, so I want to thank them for entrusting their children in my and my staff’s care.“
Ann will be returning for casual CRT work but plans to enjoy her retirement caravaning and pursuing new hobbies and community work.