FAMILIES, employees and supporters of Millhaven Lodge were treated to a selection of 20th century hits as they raised funds for essential equipment recently.
On Friday 20 November, a Legends Showcase was held at Pakenham U3A hall to raise money to purchase vital sign monitoring machines for Millhaven residents.
The evening featured performer Mark Andrew, who sung hits by Dean Martin, Buddy Holly, Tom Johns, Austin Powers and the king himself, Elvis Presley.
About 120 people attended the event, which raised $4500 to put towards the cause. Organiser Caroline Giuliano said Millhaven hoped to raise money for five machines at a cost of $2300 each.
“We had a great response to the Legends Showcase, and we’re hoping for a few other donations and fund-raisers to reach our target,” she said.
“There was also a silent auction on the night, and we had memorabilia and a range of tickets to give away that were provided by sponsors.”
As well as music, dancing and a photo booth with props, guests were also treated to a buffet dinner.