Ripe age for learning

Tutor Veronica with Rae, Adele and Cheryl from Cardinia U3A enjoy one of the music classes offered by the organisation. 110621

Cardinia U3A co-ordinators say their members are never too early to learn and they hope the community’s elderly citizens will be able to continue to do so.
For 15 years, Cardinia U3A (University of the Third Age) has operated in Pakenham to give the Cardinia Shire’s senior citizens the opportunity at further education.
Classes include art, computer sessions, music classes and discussions groups such as mythology and philosophy.
Cheryl Neilson has been volunteering with the group for the past 12 years, and recently took on the role as president.
Ms Neilson said the groups are open to any mature aged adults and welcomes any volunteers with a special talent to take classes.
“It doesn’t have to be elderly people, it can be anyone over about the age of 30,” she said.
Ms Neilson said the group would love to see more tutors and volunteers to secure a safe future for the group.
“We want to maintain a sustainable organisation and viable business,” she said.
The group currently has about 200 members and low membership fees mean the opportunity is available for all.
Ms Neilson said organisers receive great feedback from the community about the classes, with many learning new skills they had never come across before.
“It’s never too late to learn,” the president said.
Local identity Ron Topp was the past president of the group, and Ms Neilson said the hard work put in by the outgoing president was hugely appreciated by all.
“That’s part of what we are all about, making sure that everyone knows they are valued,” she said
“It’s all about a welcoming atmosphere.”
With about 20 volunteers at the centre, there is plenty of room for more and Ms Neilson said the committee welcomes any new ideas for classes.
“Each person brings their own area of expertise to the centre,” she said.
“We are welcome to any new ideas if a volunteer wanted to run a new class.”
Ms Neilson said the facilities are also available for hire and the low-cost fees and variety of classes mean everyone is able to get involved.
“Classes are available for all capabilities and experiences, including, beginners, intermediate and advanced,” she said.