Fountain fix in motion

The fountain at Lakeside hasn't been operational since early this year. 103480_01 Picture: MEAGAN ROGERS

LAKESIDE’S fountain could be flowing again soon.
After the fountain was damaged over summer around New Years Eve, Cardinia Shire Council has assessed the options for its repair.
The council’s open space co-ordinator Kevin Andrews said the fountain was vandalised early this year.
“Council contracted specialists to assess the damage to the fountain,” he said.
“This assessment was required to establish exactly why it is not operating, and the works needed to repair it.
“This process was complex and took some time, and is the reason for the delay in its repair.”
Mr Andrews said the council was committed to getting the fountain working so that it can again be enjoyed by Lakeside residents.
“We have sourced quotations to have the fountain either repaired or replaced, and will compare these to determine which is the most cost-effective solution in the long term,” he said.