Taste of Indonesian culture

Indonesian performers entertained the students last week. Pictures: DONNA OATES

PAKENHAM Springs Primary School students made batik pictures, Balinese masks and puppets to retell traditional folktales.
On 28 June, the school held an Indonesian Day to celebrate the launch of their LOTE (Languages other than English) program this year.
LOTE has been introduced in the junior school, with Prep to Year 2 students studying greetings and numbers. Students wore the colours of the Indonesian flag (red and white) and enjoyed multi-age activities.
The day began with a Pentawasik performance (Indonesian dance, shadow puppets and music) by Baguskan, Indonesian performers from Bendigo.
Students then sampled Indonesian games, art and culture. They played village games, lompat tali (jumping a rope made from elastic bands) and semut, orang, gajah (a version of rock, paper, scissors).