Bus blow a sign of the times

By Paul Dunlop
STOP the bus, we want to get on.
That’s the message from frustrated Pakenham resident Michael Runting, who says vandalism has prompted the town’s public transport system to pass him by.
Mr Runting said he and neighbours had suffered a diminished service since a bus stop sign was damaged, ripped down and eventually removed from the roadside near his Duncan Drive home.
Buses continue to pass through the street but, without a sign to prompt drivers to stop, residents often have to flag down the bus or face being left behind.
Despite advising bus service providers that the sign had to be replaced, residents say they are still waiting.
“It’s ridiculous,” Mr Runting said.
“The bus is supposed to stop just near our place but now the sign is missing it doesn’t stop, even if people are standing there.
“My wife and I catch the bus a fair bit to go down the street to shop, we don’t have a car.
“Several of our neighbours rely on the bus as well. When are they going to fix it?”
Mr Runting said the confusion was driving residents crazy.
But, Cardinia Transit manager Don Imire said residents could rest assured that the problem would soon be resolved.
Mr Imire told the News on Monday the signs belonged to Met Link and he would advise maintenance staff that it needed to be replaced.
Residents would soon have their sign back, he said.
State Government officials said bus services in Pakenham have been greatly improved since the town service was expanded about 12 months ago.
Cardinia Shire Council and residents are also pushing to improve services between the north-south areas of the shire.