Club scores swish courts

LOCAL big hitters will soon be able to play tennis in Pakenham on six newly resurfaced tennis courts.
Pakenham Tennis Club in Anderson Street Pakenham has received additional funds to resurface two extra courts on top of the four they had been funded to resurface.
Cardinia Shire Council agreed to provide an additional $24,765 so all six courts could be resurfaced at its meeting on Monday night.
Tennis Club president John Gallasch said he was happy to hear funds were being made available so all the club’s sand filled artificial courts could be given a face lift at the same time.
“The number of players at the club is increasing and will be good to have all six courts resurfaced,” he said.
Mr Gallasch said the courts were in high demand for play by members and for competition.
Mr Gallasch acknowledged the assistance of Cr Bill Ronald in negotiations with council for the additional funding.
Cardinia Shire mayor Kate Lempriere said it was vital the courts were in a good condition to be used.
“The courts being resurfaced, along with the 50 metre pool re-opening, will create a good sporting precinct in the centre of the town,” she said.
Cr Lempriere said the council was focusing on providing facilities that improved the community’s well-being, particularly venues that could be used by families and young people.
Cardinia Shire Council agreed to provide the additional funds at its meeting on Monday night.
Cr Bill Ronald said at the meeting that it made sense to achieve economies of scale and have the six courts resurfaced at the one time.
The total project cost for resurfacing all six courts is $92,880.
The club will contribute $40,000 to the project, with the council providing the remaining funds through its Community Capital Works Program.
The resurfacing work is scheduled to commence in March.