Skate park shift may move problem: Owen

CALLS to shift Pakenham’s skate park have attracted a note of caution.
Cardinia Shire councillor Brett Owen last week warned simply shifting the facility would not necessarily resolve problems.
Concerns about anti-social behaviour have prompted Cardinia Shire Council to set aside $70,000 for relocating the facility in its budget for the new financial year.
Residents lobbying for a move say vandalism and graffiti are rife in the area around the skate park at the P.B. Ronald Reserve.
But while the council is willing to consider relocating the skate park, Cr Owen said no move should be made unless it could be proved worthwhile.
Cr Owen told the council’s 19 June meeting that the anti-social behaviour at the skate park was a case of a handful of trouble makers creating a reputation most skaters did not deserve.
“It is a very small minority of young people causing some concerns in this area,” Cr Owen said. “There are a range of issues to consider. A relocation needs to achieve a satisfactory outcome for all, not just transfer the problems to another place.”
Cr Owen is Cardinia’s youngest councillor and spends much of his work as a police member helping teenagers.
He said a relocation of the skate park should be considered as part of the overall master plan for the P.B. Ronald Reserve.
“Simply moving the skate park will not resolve the problems, it could just move them somewhere else,” Cr Owen said.