Run for your life – and for a child

By Paul Dunlop
PAKENHAM mum Naomi MacGregor is gearing up for the run of her life.
Naomi is taking part in the 9 April charity Run for the Kids raising funds for the Royal Children’s Hospital Good Friday Appeal.
Naomi has dedicated her effort to two-year-old Charlie Redding. The Garfield boy has been a regular patient at the hospital after he was diagnosed earlier this year with hepatoblastoma, a very rare cancerous tumour that originates in the liver.
Naomi said she had played netball with Charlie’s mum, Ally, and wanted to do something to support the family.
“It’s the first fun run I’ve ever done. I thought I could try and help to raise money. I was going to do the run anyway and this gives me extra incentive.”
Naomi has recruited her sister Juanita and mother Maria as well as a couple of girlfriends, Bev and Megan, to join her on the 4.5 kilometre trip.
The Run for the Kids will take place on the Sunday before Good Friday and will be the official launch of the Good Friday Appeal.
Participants will traverse new landmarks, the Bolte Bridge and Domain Tunnel, and run through the old part of town (Swanston Street, Town Hall) before heading up Elizabeth Street and Flemington Road to the Royal Children’s Hospital.
Naomi said she welcomed donations from residents and local businesses. Like many people in the community, she said she wanted to help Charlie and his family in their cancer fight.
“I have two children of my own (6-year-old Josh and 3-year-old Jy) and something like this really hits home,” Naomi said.
“I look at my boys and think how lucky we are and that if it did happen to us I would be grateful for any support I could get.
“I thought ‘well, I’ve got the time, anything I can do is worth doing’.”
To sponsor Naomi contact 0438 381 816.